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  • The Rollercoaster of Emotions: "Oh Pick Me" on a Dating App

    In the digital age, dating apps have become the norm for many individuals looking for love, connection, or fun. As we scroll through profiles, we often experience a wide range of emotions. One feeling that can arise is the anxious desire for someone to choose us - the "oh, pick me" sensation.  It’s hard out there, and it's because over 337 million people worldwide use dating apps. (Stat: Business of Apps) The Thrill of Possibility: The excitement comes when we are notified that someone has expressed interest in us on dating apps. It triggers a spark of hope as we wonder if we've finally caught the attention of our potential match. This initial excitement can lead to a flood of positive emotions, fueling our optimism and beliefs that we may have found our perfect match. Insecurity and Self-Doubt: However, as the "oh pick me" sensation sets in, it can quickly take a turn towards self-doubt. We may obsessively check our profiles, scrutinize every aspect, and wonder if we're interesting enough, attractive enough, or witty enough to capture someone's interest. Comparison and Rejection: Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of the "oh, pick me" feeling is the tendency to compare ourselves to others. We begin to wonder why we have yet to be chosen while others seem to have a constant stream of matches. This can lead to feelings of inadequacy, rejection, and a blow to our self-esteem. Bouncing Back: While the "oh pick me" feeling can leave us vulnerable and insecure, it is essential to remember that dating apps do not define our worth. Maintaining a healthy perspective and finding ways to boost our self-confidence is crucial in navigating these emotional swings. Harnessing a Positive Mindset: Instead of fixating on validation from others, we must remind ourselves that dating apps are merely tools to meet new people. We should focus on presenting our authentic selves and let go of the outcome. Accepting that not everyone will choose us doesn't diminish our value or the possibility of finding a meaningful connection. Self-Care and Boundaries: Amid the intense emotions that dating apps can evoke, it's crucial to prioritize self-care and establish healthy boundaries. Taking breaks from the app, engaging in activities that bring joy, and surrounding ourselves with supportive friends and family can help to maintain a balanced perspective. The "oh, pick me" feeling is familiar when navigating the world of online dating. While it can be filled with ups and downs, it's essential to remember that our worth lies far beyond the confines of a dating app. Embracing a positive mindset, cultivating self-confidence, and caring for ourselves are crucial steps towards finding happiness, whether on a dating app or in any other aspect of life. Keep your head up, Erin You will find the right person when it's time. Here’s another excellent post from Love Live Laugh Motherhood

  • Remembering the Good Times: Cherishing the Memories of Past Relationships

    Let’s face it: relationships are an integral part of our lives—some flourish, while others may come to an end. While it's human nature to dwell on the pain and heartbreak of failed relationships, it's equally important to remember and cherish the good times we shared with our former partners. Reflecting on the positivity can help us move forward, grow, and appreciate the impact of those relationships on our lives. In this blog, we explore the benefits of remembering the good times of past relationships and how they can shape our present and future. Nostalgia for the good times can foster gratitude for our positive experiences with our former partners. By focusing on the joyful moments, we can learn to appreciate the lessons we learned, the personal growth we achieved, and the love that existed, even if it didn't last. Acknowledging these positive aspects helps us develop a more optimistic outlook on our past relationships. The good times from our past relationships can shape our present by influencing the traits we seek in potential partners. Reflecting on the moments of joy, trust, and connection enables us to identify the qualities we value most in a relationship. By carrying these insights forward, we can make more informed decisions when navigating new romantic endeavors. Remembering the good times allows us to find closure and release negativity. It helps us to shift our perspective and view the relationship rather than just focusing on the painful parts. Embracing the positive aspects and acknowledging that not all relationships are meant to last can provide the closure we need to move forward with a more positive mindset. Remembering the good times can contribute to our overall emotional well-being and healing process. It's essential to acknowledge our positive and negative emotions as they arise. By fully experiencing and appreciating the positive memories, we can find solace, increase our emotional resilience, and gradually heal from any heartache we may have experienced. Remembering the good times of our past relationships allows us to shift our focus from heartache to gratitude and growth. By cherishing positive memories, we can find closure, learn valuable lessons, and use those experiences as building blocks for healthier relationships in the future. While it's crucial to remember that not all relationships are meant to last, we can find comfort and healing in the good times that were shared. So, dig deep into your memory bank and choose to remember the joy, love, and lessons that were once a part of your past relationships. Peace, Erin Time to Dish: ·      What is a favorite memory that still makes you laugh today? ·      Do you keep in touch? ·      What type of reflection helped you heal? ·      What would you do differently? ·      What is the best advice to give someone who just ended a relationship so they can heal & move forward?

  • How to Tell Your Spouse You Want a Divorce

    Self-reflection and Preparation Before discussing divorce with your spouse, take some time for self-reflection. Ensure that divorce is truly what you want and explore your reasons behind it. This will help you feel more confident and prepared during the conversation. Consider seeking professional counseling to help clarify your thoughts and emotions. Choose the Right Time and Place Select an appropriate time and place to have this conversation. The environment should be calm and private, allowing you to speak freely without distractions. Avoid discussing divorce during heated arguments or tense moments. Be Honest and Clear When communicating your decision, be honest and transparent about your feelings and reasons for wanting a divorce. Clearly express your concerns, disappointments, and frustrations while avoiding blaming or criticizing your spouse. Use "I" statements to focus on your own emotions and avoid making your spouse feel attacked. Show Empathy and Compassion Understand that your spouse may have a range of emotions, including shock, anger, denial, or sadness. Be prepared for their reaction and respond with empathy and compassion. Allow them to express their thoughts and feelings without interrupting or becoming defensive. Avoid Discussing Divorce Details Immediately While it may be tempting to discuss the practical aspects of divorce, such as property division or child custody, avoid doing so immediately after breaking the news. Give yourself and your spouse time to process the information before diving into the specifics. Patience is key during this difficult time. Seek Professional Guidance Divorce is a complex process, both emotionally and legally. Consider seeking guidance from a qualified family law attorney or divorce mediator to help you understand the legal procedures and navigate the complexities involved. Professional advice can also provide realistic expectations and options for moving forward. Prioritize Communication and Cooperation Even if your relationship is ending, it is essential to maintain open communication and cooperation throughout the divorce process, particularly if you have children. Find ways to work together to minimize conflict and prioritize the well-being of all involved parties. Take Care of Yourself Divorce can be emotionally draining, so it is crucial to prioritize your own mental and emotional well-being; we cannot express this enough. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist who can help you cope with the challenges and emotions that may arise during this time. Consider Couples Therapy If you haven't already, suggest couples therapy as an opportunity to explore your relationship concerns before proceeding with the divorce. This could address any underlying issues and potentially find a resolution. Even if it doesn't save the marriage, therapy can provide a healthier way to communicate your intentions and ensure both parties have an opportunity to be heard. Respect Boundaries Respect your spouse's boundaries during this time. Understand that they may need space or time alone to process the news. Avoid pressuring them for immediate answers or decisions. Please give them the freedom to express themselves and respect their privacy needs. Reassure Children (If Applicable) If you have children, it is essential to prioritize their well-being and minimize any negative impact the divorce may have on them. When discussing the divorce with your spouse, plan how you will inform your children together. Reassure them that they are loved and will continue to be cared for. Be Open to Negotiation and Compromise Divorce proceedings often involve negotiation and compromise. Be open to finding common ground and working towards a mutually agreeable arrangement for the various aspects of the divorce, such as finances, property division, and parenting plans. A collaborative approach can lead to a more amicable and less adversarial process. Remember, this guide is meant to be a general resource and should not replace the advice of a professional counselor or attorney. Each divorce situation is unique, and seeking personalized guidance is crucial to your circumstances. Telling your spouse that you want a divorce is a challenging conversation that requires careful thought and emotional preparation. By following these suggestions and maintaining clear communication, empathy, and respect, you can approach the situation in a way that minimizes conflict and promotes a healthier transition for both parties involved. Good Luck, Erin

  • 12 Things Divorcees Wish They Knew About Divorce

    Divorce is a life-altering event that brings with it a lot of uncertainty and emotional turmoil. When going through a divorce, it can feel like navigating uncharted territory, and you may find yourself wishing you had known certain things beforehand. There is a thread of 12 things most people wish they knew. Let’s go: 1.  The importance of self-care: Divorce is emotionally draining, and it is crucial to prioritize self-care. Engaging in activities that bring you joy and taking care of your physical health will help you cope with the stress and give you the strength to navigate this difficult period. 2.  Creating a support network: Reach out to friends, family, and even professionals who can support you through this challenging time. Having a solid support network is invaluable during a divorce, providing you with emotional and practical assistance when you need it most. 3.  Understanding the legal process: Familiarize yourself with the legal aspects of divorce before proceeding. Consult a lawyer to understand your rights, responsibilities, and the possible outcomes. Educating yourself about divorce laws in your jurisdiction will help you make informed decisions. 4.  Financial implications: Divorce can have a significant economic impact. Understanding the division of assets, alimony, child support, and other financial considerations will help you better plan your future. 5.  Put your children first: Their well-being should be your top priority if you have children. Shield them from unnecessary conflict and involve them as little as possible in the proceedings. Establish a co-parenting plan that ensures their emotional and physical stability. 6.  The importance of communication: Open and honest communication with your spouse can help facilitate a more amicable divorce process. It may be challenging, but discussing expectations, concerns, and goals can lead to a smoother resolution and reduce unnecessary conflict. 7.  The grieving process: Divorce is a loss, and it is essential to allow yourself to grieve. Give yourself permission to feel a range of emotions and seek therapy or support groups to help you navigate the grieving process. 8.  Finding your identity: Divorce can create a sense of loss and confusion, as it often changes roles and dynamics within a home. Take this opportunity to rediscover yourself, explore new interests and passions, and create a life that aligns with your values and aspirations. 9.  Staying positive: Divorce can be a long and challenging process, but it is crucial to maintain a positive mindset. Surround yourself with positivity, practice gratitude, and focus on personal growth and healing. 10.  Seeking professional guidance: Don't hesitate to seek professional advice from therapists or divorce coaches. They can provide valuable insights and support you in making sound decisions throughout the divorce process. 11. The emotional rollercoaster: Recognize that your emotions will likely fluctuate throughout the divorce process. It is expected to experience anger, sadness, and frustration. Practice self-compassion and give yourself time to heal. 12. The importance of forgiveness: Holding onto anger and resentment will only hurt you in the long run. Explore forgiveness as a means of letting go, finding closure, and moving forward. If you find yourself facing divorce, remember that you are not alone. Seek support, educate yourself about the process, and remember to prioritize your well-being. With time, patience, and self-care, you will emerge more robust and ready to embrace the future from this chapter. You can do this, Erin Time to dish: What is the first thing you learned about divorce that you didn't know? What type of emotions did you experience? Did you get help? Have you found a strong foundation?

  • Texting Courtesy: Leave a message and I will text you back.

    In this digital age, texting has become an integral part of our lives, especially in dating. It has transformed the way we communicate and connect with potential partners. However, with this convenience comes a crucial aspect, often overlooked – texting courtesy. Let’s explore the importance of practicing texting courtesy when investigating the dating world to ensure respectful and effective communication. Remember to Be Mindful of Response Time: When conversing with someone you're interested in, it's essential to be mindful of response time. While immediate replies convey enthusiasm, constantly expecting instant responses can create unnecessary pressure for both parties. Everyone has different schedules and obligations, and patience is crucial. Responding within a reasonable time frame shows respect and consideration for the other person's time. Remember, do not feel that pressure of immediate response; it is too much to bear. Engage in Balanced Conversation: Texting is a two-way communication channel, and ensuring that both parties have an equal opportunity to contribute to the conversation is essential. Avoid dominating the conversation by bombarding your partner with texts or monopolizing the topic. Practice active listening, ask questions, and show genuine interest in what the other person says. This helps foster a sense of connection and demonstrates that you value their thoughts and opinions. Be Clear and Direct: Misinterpretation is a common drawback of texting, especially in the dating realm. To avoid confusion and misunderstanding, strive to be clear and direct in your messages. Use proper grammar and punctuation and avoid excessive abbreviations or acronyms that may not be universally understood. Additionally, if you have something important or sensitive to discuss, opting for a phone call or face-to-face conversation is often best to ensure effective communication. Respect Boundaries and Consent: Respecting boundaries and consent should be a priority in all aspects of dating, and texting is no exception. Remember that not everyone may be comfortable engaging in specific conversations via text, especially early in the relationship. Before delving into intimate topics or sharing personal information, establish clear boundaries and ensure both parties are comfortable proceeding. Always obtain consent before sharing any explicit content or engaging in conversations of a sexual nature. End Conversations Gracefully: Just as starting a conversation with grace is necessary, ending it on a positive note is equally essential. If you sense the conversation is naturally coming to an end, avoid abruptly ghosting or ignoring the other person. Instead, end the conversation gracefully by expressing appreciation for their time and reiterate your interest in continuing the conversation later. This shows courtesy and respect and leaves the door open for future communication. In modern dating, texting has become vital to building connections and maintaining relationships. However, it is imperative to remember and practice texting courtesy. By being mindful of response time, engaging in balanced conversation, being clear and direct, respecting boundaries and consent, and ending conversations gracefully, we can navigate the dating world with respect and effectively communicate our intentions. Remember, courteous texting reflects an individual's character and sets the foundation for a healthy and meaningful relationship. Be mindful and honest, Erin

  • Is love Truly Blind?

    The concept of love has intrigued generations after generations. It is said to be the most powerful feeling in the world. It can make you feel both alive and vulnerable at the same time. But can love be so powerful that it transcends physical appearance? The phrase “love is blind” is a common one that has been used for decades. It implies that when you fall in love with someone, you look beyond their physical attributes and are drawn to their personality and character. You become so enamored with their inner qualities that you overlook their physical flaws. There is some truth to this saying. When you fall in love with someone, their physical appearance may not matter as much as it did when you first met them. You begin to see them in a different light, and your focus shifts to their personality, humor, and intelligence. This does not mean that physical attraction is no longer important, but rather that it takes a backseat to other factors. However, the idea that love is completely blind is not entirely accurate. Physical appearance is still a factor in initial attraction. It is unlikely that someone would develop a deep emotional connection with someone they did not find physically appealing. Furthermore, it is essential to remember that physical attraction is not necessarily shallow or superficial. It is an instinct that has evolved. It is also essential to recognize that love is not always enough. Even if you love someone deeply, it is important to consider if you are compatible with them in other areas of life. Relationships require effort and compromise, and love alone cannot sustain a healthy partnership. The idea that love is entirely blind is a myth. While physical appearance may become less important as a relationship progresses, it is still a factor in initial attraction. However, the saying holds some truth in that when you love someone, you look beyond their physical attributes and are drawn to their inner qualities. Ultimately, love is a complex and multifaceted emotion that cannot be reduced to a simple phrase. The way you love someone means you love the person inside and out. What are your thoughts on this subject? Does it seem shallow to need physical attraction? Or can love just be? Let us know, Erin

  • “You Want to Go Where Everybody Knows Your Name” - Cheers

    When I wrote my grandfather’s eulogy, I wrote about how he always welcomed me with open arms and the unbelievable comfort I felt with him. In today’s segmented world, where do you go? Have you ever longed for a place where you could go and feel a sense of belonging and warmly welcomed with open arms? A place where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came. It might sound like a line from a” Cheers” TV show theme song, but it embodies a profoundly human desire that resonates with many of us. Imagine walking into a space where the atmosphere instantly feels like home. As you enter the door, all eyes turn towards you, and you're greeted with genuine smiles and familiar faces. The air is filled with laughter, conversation, and community. This is where you want to be, where you want to go, and where everybody knows your name. Why does being known and welcomed with open arms hold such strong appeal? In a world that often feels disconnected and impersonal, this environment offers a refuge from the noise and chaos. It provides a sense of belonging, a haven where you can be yourself. We all long for connection, for deep relationships with others who truly understand and accept us. Finding a place where people know us by name signifies that we are seen, heard, and valued. It tells us that we matter and have a place where we belong. This sense of recognition and acceptance feeds our emotional well-being and allows us to thrive. Think about your favorite coffee shop, a local pub, a park, or an online community. These are the places where people gather, where they create bonds and build relationships. They become a second home, a place where everybody knows your name. It's a testament to the power of human connection and the need for community. Not only does this kind of environment foster personal relationships, but it also creates a supportive network that can positively impact various aspects of our lives. When you feel welcomed and known, you are more likely to grow, explore new horizons, and take risks. The encouragement and support from those around you give you the confidence to pursue your dreams and push beyond your limits. But finding such a place can be challenging. It requires effort and vulnerability. It means putting yourself out there and forging connections with others. Sometimes, it means taking the risk of being known and revealing your true self. Putting yourself out there is so hard in today’s post-Covid world. However, the rewards far outweigh the risks. When you find that place where everybody knows your name, you gain a sense of belonging that can uplift, inspire, and improve your life. Whether it be a small, close-knit community or a bustling city that embraces you, the desire to go where everybody knows your name is a fundamental human longing. It's a reminder that we are social beings who thrive in connection and community. It's an invitation to seek out those spaces and relationships that welcome us with open arms and truly know and appreciate who we are. Wherever you go and whoever you are, remember that you are worthy of being known, loved, and appreciated. Seek out those places where everybody knows your name, and you'll find a sense of home that nurtures your soul and brings joy to your life. Go where everyone knows your name, and embrace the love. Cheers, Erin

  • Feeling Unwanted: The Emotional Rollercoaster of Unrequited Love

    We've all experienced the bitter taste of unrequited love at some point. That sinking feeling of being unwanted by someone we deeply care about can be excruciating. Whether it's a man or woman, the emotional rollercoaster of feeling unwanted is a universal experience that leaves us questioning our self-worth, attractiveness, and place in relationships. In this blog, we will explore the various aspects of feeling unwanted and how to navigate through this challenging experience. Understanding the Feeling: Feeling unwanted can stem from various scenarios – one-sided crushes to long-term relationships that have lost their spark. Regardless of the circumstances, the emotional toll is often significant. It can lead to feelings of rejection, self-doubt, and even depression. It's essential to acknowledge that these emotions are valid and natural, but they do not define your worth as an individual. The Impact on Self-Esteem: When we feel unwanted by someone we desire, it's natural to begin questioning ourselves. We analyze our appearance, personality, and actions, searching for flaws that explain their lack of interest. This self-doubt can be detrimental to our self-esteem, often causing us to spiral into a negative cycle. Remembering that someone else's perception of us doesn't determine our worth is crucial. Developing self-compassion and engaging in activities that boost our self-confidence can help us regain our self-esteem. Understanding Rejection: Rejection is a part of life and inevitable in relationships. However, it's essential not to take rejection as a personal attack or a reflection of our values. Sometimes, the lack of interest from a person can be due to their insecurities or preferences, which are beyond our control. It's essential to recognize that we cannot change someone's feelings towards us, and it's healthier to focus on our personal growth and finding someone who appreciates us for who we are. Nurturing Self-Love: We must prioritize our well-being while waiting for someone's love or validation. Taking care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally is crucial to healing from the pain of feeling unwanted. Engaging in activities that bring us joy, finding support from loved ones, practicing self-care, and seeking therapy or self-help resources can all contribute to nurturing self-love and moving forward from this emotional hurdle. Moving Forward: Healing from being unwanted takes time and patience. It's important to remember that only some connections we desire will be reciprocated, but this should encourage us to seek love and companionship. Take the opportunity to reflect on the lessons learned, grow from the experience, and open your heart to new possibilities. Remember, every rejection brings us closer to finding someone who truly values and loves us for who we are. Feeling unwanted is undoubtedly one of the most painful experiences we can go through, regardless of whether it's from a man or a woman. However, we must remind ourselves that we deserve love and appreciation. It's okay to feel the pain and sadness, but focusing on nurturing our well-being and self-love is equally essential. By believing in ourselves, embracing our worth, and staying open to new opportunities, we can eventually overcome the feeling of being unwanted and find the love and connection we truly deserve. You are wanted here, Erin Time to Dish: ·      Have you experienced this feeling of being unwanted? ·      Stay true to yourself; if someone doesn’t see how great you are, move on; how will you do this? ·      Have you made someone feel unwanted? Why? Would you do it again? ·      If you have made someone feel this way – did you apologize?

  • The Secret to Our Grandparents' Lasting Marriages: Exploring the Benefits of Not Sleeping in the Same Bedroom

    When we think of our grandparents' marriages, we often assume they followed the traditional practice of sleeping in the same bedroom. However, it's essential to recognize that not all couples adhere to this convention. Some of our grandparents may have opted for separate bedrooms or beds. While it may initially seem counterintuitive to a successful marriage, there are certain benefits.  After talking to a friend who said, “My husband and I are sleep-divorced and have a great marriage.”  I thought you knew what? You are not the only couple I know that does that; we all love our sleep. Sleeping in separate bedrooms allows couples to maintain a sense of personal space and autonomy. It acknowledges the individuality within a partnership, fostering an environment that encourages independence and self-care. By having their own space for rest, couples can recharge and nurture themselves, ultimately contributing to their overall well-being. This practice reinforces the idea that a healthy and lasting union is built on the foundation of two fulfilled and content individuals. Sleeping habits can significantly impact an individual's quality of sleep. Factors such as different bedtimes, snoring, or varying sleep preferences can disturb one's rest, leading to sleep deprivation and potential relationship strain. Opting for separate bedrooms can alleviate these issues and promote a better night's sleep for both partners. By prioritizing sleep quality, couples can wake up refreshed, energized, and ready to face the day, positively affecting the overall dynamics of their relationship. Sharing a bedroom means sharing a space where personal habits like reading, watching TV, or working can cause friction or disturbance. Couples may have differing preferences regarding temperature, lighting, or noise, leading to potential conflicts and restlessness. By having separate bedrooms, partners can engage in activities that help them relax without compromising their partner's comfort. This can contribute to a more harmonious living environment and minimize unnecessary disputes. While it may seem counterintuitive, not sharing a bedroom can enhance intimacy. When couples have their own space, it creates a sense of anticipation and novelty when they come together. Spending intentional quality time in a shared bedroom can reignite romantic sparks and deepen emotional connection. It encourages couples to prioritize intimate moments, initiate physical affection, and be more present in each other's company, fostering greater intimacy and passion. Every individual has unique needs and preferences when it comes to sleep. Some may require total darkness and silence, while others may find comfort in ambient noise or soft lighting. Couples can adapt their sleep environment to meet their needs by sleeping in separate bedrooms without compromising their partner's preferences. This adaptability recognizes and respects individual differences, strengthening the bond by encouraging understanding and compromise. While not sleeping in the same bedroom may initially challenge traditional notions of a successful marriage, it's essential to recognize that each relationship is unique. Our grandparents' generation teaches us the value of understanding, compromise, and individuality within a partnership. Respectfully acknowledging personal space and sleep preferences, not sleeping in the same bedroom, can contribute to the longevity and happiness of a relationship. Ultimately, finding what works best for you and your partner and prioritizing open communication, trust, and respect will help build a lasting and fulfilling marriage. Of course, this may not always be true; however, it is something to consider. Our grandparents grew up in a very different time. Again, we are not advocating you jump ship and find a new room; it is just something to consider, and it's OK. Erin Time to Dish: ·      Do you and your partner sleep in the same room? ·      Do you know couples that do not? ·      What are the benefits of your partnership by sleeping in separate rooms?

  • Will you be my ... emergency contact?

    As I recently had a medical procedure, they asked me – who is your emergency contact? Is it still (insert name)? As I responded to whom I had chosen, I realized, wow, that was a big ask for someone new rather than a relative, best friend, or other. Then, ironically, I ran into a dating profile that gave me a giggle, “Looking for an emergency contact.” In my mind, I thought, I feel ya – me too. All jokes aside, I have a dear friend, and my children are old enough to be my new emergency contact. Choosing someone you can rely upon in a crisis is extremely important. As you think about your new or current emergency contact, here are some things to consider: 1.    Evaluate Existing Relationships: Divorce marks a transition period, making it necessary to reevaluate the validity and reliability of existing relationships. Consider friends, family members, or other close acquaintances who can be trusted to handle sensitive situations and information and provide necessary support. 2.    Prioritize Trust and Reliability: Trust and reliability are crucial when selecting a new emergency contact. Look for someone dependable, responsible, and capable of handling emergencies calmly and efficiently. 3.    Communication and Consent: Before designating someone as your emergency contact, it's essential to communicate your decision with them and ensure they are willing to take on this role. Openly discuss expectations, medical information, and any specific actions they may need to take in emergencies. 4.    Proximity and Accessibility: Consider the proximity and accessibility of your potential emergency contact. I am one of the lucky ones with my parents still living; ideally, it would be them. However, they do not live in the same town anymore. The person you choose should be located nearby or be reachable in a reasonable time frame, especially in situations that require immediate assistance. 5.    Updating Legal Documents: Once you have chosen a new emergency contact, update any legal documents, such as your will, healthcare proxy, or power of attorney, to reflect this change. Choosing a new emergency contact after divorce is an important decision that requires careful thought and consideration. Prioritizing trust, reliability, and open communication is crucial when designating someone as your emergency contact. Similarly, when encountering dating profiles that mention "looking for an emergency contact," it is essential to have open conversations to understand the intentions and expectations. By taking these steps, you can ensure you have a dependable support system and create meaningful connections that align with your needs. Xoxo Erin Time to Dish: Who is your emergency contact?

  • Playing the Feeld: What is this dating app all about?

    In a world where traditional dating apps may leave you longing for more, Feeld is here to redefine how people connect and explore their desires. Launched in 2014, Feeld has gained popularity and become a go-to platform for open-minded people looking for unconventional relationships and connections. A friend or two were on it, so exploring was interesting. So, what sets Feeld apart from other dating apps? Let's dive in and explore what this unique platform is all about. Embracing non-traditional relationships: Feeld is designed to cater to individuals and couples seeking various connections beyond traditional monogamous relationships. Whether you're interested in polyamory, open relationships, threesomes, or simply exploring your curiosities, Feeld provides a safe and inclusive space to express yourself without judgment. An inclusive community: Feeld fosters an inclusive environment where people of all orientations and gender identities feel welcome and understood. The app offers a selection of more than 20 gender identities and various sexual orientations, allowing users to express their true selves and connect with like-minded individuals. Connecting with like-minded individuals: Feeld understands that meaningful connections are based on shared interests and desires. The app allows you to create a detailed profile that reflects your preferences, kinks, and intentions, making it easier to find compatible partners. You can browse through profiles, join communities, and chat with potential matches to explore your shared interests and spark connections. Feeld and beyond: While Feeld is widely known for its focus on unconventional relationships, the app still offers a space for those seeking traditional dating experiences. It recognizes that not all users are interested in exploring alternative arrangements and, therefore, provides the flexibility to match with individuals or couples who align with your dating preferences. Discretion and privacy: Feeld values privacy and discretion, which are often crucial when exploring non-traditional relationships. The app lets you control the visibility of your profile, allowing you to stay discreet if necessary. Additionally, Feeld has strict policies to ensure the safety and privacy of its users. So, is Feeld suitable for you? If you're open-minded, curious, and interested in exploring relationships beyond societal norms, Feeld offers a refreshing platform to connect with like-minded individuals. It encourages healthy conversations about desires, preferences, and boundaries, fostering a supportive community where you can embrace your true self. However, it's essential to approach Feeld, or any dating app, with an open mind and realistic expectations. Remember to communicate your boundaries and expectations with potential matches and prioritize your safety and well-being throughout your journey. Whether you are looking for a new adventure, exploring your sexuality, or seeking a non-traditional connection, Feeld provides a unique space to express your desires and connect with others who share your interests. So, why not dive into the world of Feeld and see where it takes you? If you are curious, this is a good one to dig into; quite interesting. Erin

  • Rediscovering Happiness: Embracing the Bright Side of Divorce

    A lot of emotions are involved in getting a divorce; divorce is often associated with negative emotions and difficult transitions. You must recognize that it is also a chance for growth, self-discovery, and, ultimately, a source of happiness. Let’s highlight the joy and bliss you can still attain as a divorcee. Liberation from Unhappiness: An unhealthy or unhappy relationship can sometimes hinder personal growth and happiness. Divorce offers the liberation to break free from toxic dynamics or unsatisfying partnerships. It allows for the pursuit of individual strength, joy, and the opportunity to rebuild one's life on one's terms. Finding the new you: During a divorce, individuals are often forced to reflect on their goals, desires, and needs. This self-reflection brings an opportunity to rediscover oneself and embark on a journey of self-improvement. Divorce can be a catalyst for growth and a chance to redefine priorities, passions, and aspirations. Rebuilding and Reinventing: After divorce, people have the unique opportunity to rebuild their lives in a way that aligns with their newfound identity. This process can be therapeutic, empowering, and full of possibilities. Whether it's pursuing a new career, immersing oneself in hobbies, or even relocating to a new place, the freedom that comes with divorce allows for reinvention and the chance to create a life that brings joy and fulfillment. Stronger Relationships: Divorce often reshapes relationships, not just with the former spouse but also with friends and family. It can foster deeper connections as loved ones rally to provide support during difficult times. Furthermore, divorce can enable individuals to find new friendships and connections with like-minded individuals who share similar experiences, interests, and goals. Increased Emotional Well-being: By prioritizing self-care and personal growth after a divorce, individuals often experience increased emotional well-being. The newfound independence and freedom can lead to a renewed sense of confidence, self-worth, and resilience. With time, divorce can become a stepping stone towards a happier and more fulfilling life. Embracing the happy side of divorce allows individuals to grow, discover themselves, and ultimately build a life that aligns with their happiness and fulfillment. By focusing on the positives, one can move forward with optimism and embrace the transformative journey that lies ahead. Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to grow into the best version of the new you. Erin ·      Time to Dish: ·      What has made you the happiest? ·      How are you evolving into the new you? ·      Do you have anything you could share with other divorcees?

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