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About the Author

Erin Dullaghan Jones founded Divorcee Dish (DD) in early 2022, which inspired her 
divorce after 19 years of marriage. It has become the go-to source – via its website,
books, e-books, and an audiobook - for advice and entertainment for and from (readers
are encouraged to share their stories), the women and men on the front lines of life
before, during, and after divorce. Written by Erin herself, its informative, funny, touching,
and real-life content is a must-read/listen to get you through all the trials and tribulations
associated with the “D” word.

Consisting of two editions of the paperback, with Edition II now available in audiobook
format, the Divorcee Dish series is a 2023 recipient of The Literary Titan Book Award, an
esteemed bestowal from an organization of professional editors, writers, and professors.
In its 5-star review they state, “Divorce is a challenging and emotionally tumultuous
experience, further complicated by the involvement of children and extended families.

Erin Dullaghan Jones, in her timely book, offers a thoughtful guide to help individuals,
particularly women, navigate the intricate dynamics of divorce with grace and resilience.”
When not putting fingers to keyboard – she also writes a series of children’s books – Erin
works with an array of diverse clients as the Founder & CEO of Louisville, Kentucky-
based in.Mode Marketing LLC, where her in-depth knowledge of the evolving world of
communications is noteworthy. Her agency, established in 2010 when she went solo after
a distinguished career in the corporate world, in.Mode has been nationally certified as a
Women’s Business Enterprise (WBENC); a Certified Kentucky Minority and
; Women
Business Enterprise; a Certified SBA/WOSB Woman Owned Small Business; and a
Louisville Certified Business Enterprise.

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