As we enter Mother's Day, it is so crucial that you give yourself some credit where credit is due. You may be a single mother with no supporting partner or a single mother with an ex-partner; either way, you know that every day is a journey.
Kids are on a fantastic journey, with many excellent and rough times. They test every piece of patience in our bones to our souls, which is super tricky, but you must maintain calm. Parenting is hard and even more complicated when trying to make decisions that affect all of the family or part of the family.
You must stay strong during this period; you have to practice SELF-CARE. Sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself and your kids is to walk away and rest. Reaccess how you do all of it daily. Then know that you are not alone; many parents need a better support system, friends, family, or other resources.
It would be best to celebrate yourself and all you give daily. Treat yourself to some of your favorite activities not just on a day dedicated to Mother, but each day savor a moment that reminds you that you are strong and brave single or not. Take care of yourself, and you will be a much better parent in the long run.
Question: What do you do to take care of yourself? If you can not answer this --- we need to work on it together.