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  • Masturbation – is natural and healthy:

    Masturbation is a natural and healthy activity that people of all genders and sexual orientations engage in. Despite this fact, there is still a stigma surrounding masturbation, especially when it comes to people who are divorced. However, masturbation after divorce is completely normal and beneficial in many ways. Divorce is a difficult and emotionally challenging process that can leave individuals feeling vulnerable, lonely, and disconnected from their sexuality. In these circumstances, masturbation can serve as a powerful tool for healing and self-discovery. It can provide a healthy outlet for sexual energy and help relieve stress and tension, but it can also help individuals reconnect with their bodies and regain confidence and control over their sexuality. Moreover, masturbation can be crucial to exploring one’s sexuality after divorce. It can help individuals discover sexual desires and preferences that they weren't aware of before and empower them to form healthy, satisfying sexual relationships in the future. Many people consider masturbation to be a regular part of sexual behavior, as it is a very common behavior, even among people who have a sex partner, and is often seen as a safe way to explore one's sexuality [1]. In fact, in one national study, 95% of males and 89% of females reported that they have masturbated [1]. Moreover, masturbation is considered by many experts as a healthy part of sexuality and can have various health benefits, such as reducing stress, improving sleep, and easing pain [2]. Contrary to popular belief, there is no shame in masturbation and no shame in engaging in it after a divorce. It is a natural and healthy way to show oneself love, care, and attention. Divorce can be a painful and often isolating experience, but through self-exploration and self-pleasure, individuals can find comfort and validation within themselves. Let’s embrace masturbation as a natural and essential part of our sexuality. Do not be embarrassed, and embrace your sexuality! Cheers, Erin Sources:

  • Living Alone after Divorce: A Journey of Self-discovery

    Divorce is undeniably one of the most challenging times in a person's life. It often brings a whirlwind of emotions, from grief and anger to relief and acceptance. While the end of a marriage may be tragic, it can also be an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. One aspect that many individuals face after divorce is learning to adapt to living alone. Living alone after divorce can be a daunting prospect. We are naturally social creatures, and transitioning from having a life partner to being alone can be intimidating. However, it is crucial to recognize the many positive aspects that can come from this new chapter of life. Discovering Independence One of the most significant benefits of living alone after divorce is the opportunity to rediscover your independence. For years, you may have compromised and made decisions as a couple. Now, you have the chance to make choices solely for yourself. This newfound autonomy can be incredibly empowering. Embracing independence can involve various aspects of life. From decorating your space to making decisions about your daily routine, you can create a life that genuinely reflects your desires and values. This journey of self-discovery can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself. Time for Self-care Living alone provides an invaluable opportunity to prioritize self-care. After a divorce, taking care of your emotional, mental, and physical well-being is crucial. By living alone, you can dedicate time to activities that bring you joy and promote self-healing. Whether practicing yoga, indulging in a favorite hobby, or simply enjoying a peaceful evening reading a book, living alone allows you to focus on your needs and find solace in activities that bring you happiness. Taking care of yourself during this transition period is essential for moving forward positively and healthily. Reconnecting with Friends and Family Living alone after a divorce also allows for the chance to reconnect with friends and family. During a marriage, it's common for friendships to take a backseat as we focus on our spouse and family life. However, now you have the opportunity to rebuild and nurture those relationships. By reaching out to old friends, planning social gatherings, and engaging in activities that bring you closer to loved ones, you will strengthen these connections and create a support system for yourself. Surrounding yourself with those who care about you can provide comfort and guidance during challenging times. Embracing Growth and Adaptability While adjusting to living alone after divorce can be challenging, it also allows for personal growth and adaptability. You will learn to be comfortable with your own company, trust your decision-making abilities, and adapt to the changes in your life. This adaptation period can be an opportunity to explore new interests, set new goals, and embark on new adventures. With resilience and an open mind, you can transform this seemingly tragic time into an empowering journey of self-discovery. In conclusion, living alone after divorce may initially seem overwhelming, but it offers numerous opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery. Embracing independence, prioritizing self-care, reconnecting with loved ones, and embracing change will help you navigate this new chapter with strength and resilience. Remember, this is a chance to create the life you truly want and deserve. Create a new routine that makes YOU happy! Erin Time to Dish: Are you recently living alone? How do you feel about that? What have you done to make this new alone time healthy for you? Have you reached out to groups, friends, and family?

  • Reconnecting

    Reconnecting with someone from your past can be a meaningful experience that brings back fond memories and allows you to rekindle old friendships or relationships. Here are a few tips on how to navigate this journey of reconnecting: Reflect on your intentions: Before reaching out to someone from your past, take the time to reflect on why you want to reconnect. Are you genuinely interested in catching up and nurturing the relationship? Understanding your intentions will help you approach the conversation with thoughtfulness and sincerity. Reach out with respect: When reconnecting, respecting the other person's boundaries and feelings is essential. Start by sending a message or email expressing your desire to reconnect. Acknowledge that it has been a while since you last interacted and express your genuine interest in catching up. Please give them the option to respond when they are comfortable. Be patient and understanding. Reconnecting with someone from your past may sometimes go differently than expected. It's essential to be patient and understanding of their response or lack thereof. Everyone has their reasons and circumstances, and respecting their decision is crucial. Take the initiative; if the other person shows interest in reconnecting, seize the opportunity to take the industry. Let's meet for coffee or a phone call to catch up. Plan an activity that you both used to enjoy or find common interests that can strengthen your bond. By actively engaging in the process, you can create new memories while cherishing past experiences. Be open and genuine. During conversations, be honest and sincere about your life and experiences since you last saw each other. Share your accomplishments, challenges, and growth. Also, listen attentively to their stories and experiences. Reconnecting is an opportunity to learn more about the person they have become and for them to learn about the person you have become. It's essential to manage your expectations when reconnecting. People change, and the relationship you once had may be different. Accept that both of you may have evolved, and that's okay. Focus on building a new connection based on who you both are in the present. Reconnecting with someone from your past can be a beautiful journey of rediscovery and reconnection. By approaching it with respect, patience, and an open mind, you have the potential to create lasting new memories and strengthen your bond. Enjoy! Erin Time to Dish: How does it feel to reconnect with someone from your past? Did your reconnection lead to a newly found friendship or more? Have you been open and honest with the person?

  • Coping with the Loss of Love to Cancer

    Losing someone we deeply love is one of life's most challenging experiences. And when that loss is to a relentless illness like cancer, the pain can feel overwhelming. I’m sharing this with you because I have lost two amazing women in my life in the past month. Both were with the love of their lives, and both of their lives were cut short. One had a love story for over 25 years, and one had several love stories but had found the love of her life a few years ago and was so happy, then entered cancer. As someone recently said, “Cancer is a thief.” standing by a loved one who is dying is surreal, and the love and care take someone with the greatest strength. Losing friends and family is hard enough, but losing the person you committed your life to has to be unbearable. Today, I want to shed some light on this situation and the human spirit's resilience amidst the darkest times. Every epic love story has its humble beginnings; theirs was no exception. They met and instantly connected, filling each other's lives with joy, laughter, and unimaginable love. They nurtured the relationship, cherishing every moment spent together and dreaming of a beautiful future. When the word "cancer" left the doctor's lips, lives changed forever. The ground beneath them crumbled in a whirlwind of emotions. Fear, anger, sadness, and denial were constant companions as they embarked on a journey neither had anticipated. They faced the uncertainty of each medical visit, chemotherapy sessions, and the exhausting side effects of treatment. During the challenging times brought on by cancer, their love thrived. Then, they discovered the true meaning of support, finding solace in each other's presence. They laughed, cried, and held onto hope, cherishing the moments when cancer took a backseat to the beautiful memories. Their love became immeasurably strong in every small victory and moment of bravery. As the battle raged on, deep down, they knew they were losing the fight. Cancer has stolen so much from us, yet it couldn't touch their bond. When the inevitable happened, and they had to say goodbye to the love of their life, I know they felt they would be lost forever. Grief has no roadmap. It is a process unique to everyone, and no two experiences are the same. After the loss, I hope friends and family can find solace in seeking support from others, therapy, and support groups; both women left behind a legacy, and both are missed deeply. I’m honoring the two women today because my grief is profound, and some days, I wonder why I’ve lost so many over the years. If you are experiencing this currently – my heart goes out to you.

  • When intimacy sucks in a new relationship, Do you stay or go?

    While physical intimacy is an essential aspect of a romantic relationship, what happens when the sexual chemistry just isn't there? Let’s discuss how to address and overcome challenges when the sex in your dating life isn't meeting your expectations. Effective communication is critical when addressing any issues in a relationship, including sexual dissatisfaction. Honest and open conversations about desires, preferences, and concerns can lay the groundwork for finding solutions. It's essential to approach these discussions with empathy and understanding, emphasizing that you want to work together to improve intimacy. Let’s dig deeper, and it's essential to identify the reasons behind your dissatisfaction with the sexual aspect of your relationship. Several factors, such as mismatched libidos, stress, physical health concerns, or unresolved emotional issues, might contribute to this issue. Understanding the underlying reasons can guide you toward finding practical solutions. Explore Other Forms of Intimacy; remember, intimacy doesn't solely revolve around sexual activity. Explore other forms of intimacy, such as emotional, intellectual, or spiritual connections. Building upon these aspects of your relationship can help create a stronger foundation, which can, in turn, positively impact your sexual contact. Try experimenting; if both partners are open to it, experimenting with different techniques or introducing new elements into your sexual routine can help reignite the spark. It's essential to approach these experiments with consent, communication, and willingness to explore each other's desires respectfully. Every relationship faces challenges, and a lackluster sex life is not an uncommon struggle. You can work towards improving your connection by exploring different avenues of intimacy. Remember, it's essential to approach these challenges as a team and focus on building a relationship that fulfills both partners' needs inside the bedroom. However, outside intimacy is also essential if the connection is not there…. Life’s too short not to connect on either side of the bedroom. UM, do not settle in bed –do not! Erin Time to Dish Does sex with your partner bore? Are they hot, and there’s zero chemistry? How have you handled it? Did you give them another chance?

  • Surviving a Boring Date: How to Make the Most Out of It

    We've all been there - sitting through a boring date, struggling to keep the conversation flowing, and counting the minutes until it's over. But fear not! Let us explore creative ways to make the most of a boring date and survive the experience with your sanity intact. So, read on for some helpful tips and tricks. Even if the date isn't exciting, try to listen actively. Show genuine interest in what your partner has to say. Ask thought-provoking questions and encourage them to share more about their passions and hobbies. You never know; you might stumble upon a hidden gem of a conversation topic. Sometimes, the best way to pass the time during a boring date is to entertain yourself with a little observational challenge. Look around the restaurant or venue and find something exciting or unusual. It could be an intriguing artwork on the wall or an oddly dressed group. Mentally create stories about them or make up funny backstories. This playful game can help distract you from the lackluster conversation. Instead of focusing solely on your date, take a moment to observe the people around you. Watch how they interact, their expressions, and body language. Create stories about the relationships between the couples or the intriguing individuals you spot. People-watching can not only pass the time but also spark your imagination. If the conversation isn't engaging enough, allow your mind to wander into more interesting realms. Imagine yourself on an exciting vacation, planning a future adventure, or simply daydreaming about something that brings you joy. This can help you mentally detach from the dullness of the date and maintain your little happy place. Instead of getting bored, practice mindfulness and be present in the moment. Focus on your breathing, the food's tastes, or the setting's ambiance. By consciously bringing your attention to your surroundings, you may find a sense of calm and tranquility that helps you endure the tediousness of the date. Boring dates can be challenging, but they can be a good use of time with a little creativity and the right mindset. Engage in active listening, play observational games, people-watch, let your mind wander, and practice mindfulness to make the most of the situation. And remember, even if the date is a total dud, it can still make for a great story to share with friends later. So, hold on tight, enjoy the ride, and embrace the potential for unexpected adventures, even on boring dates!

  • Unraveling the Intricacies of Dating Attachment Issues

    Dating and forming romantic connections is an exciting and often complex journey, influenced by many factors. One such factor that can heavily impact relationships is attachment style. Attachment issues can manifest differently, affecting the dynamics and emotional well-being of individuals seeking love and companionship. This blog explores the different attachment styles, their impact on dating relationships, and how to navigate these challenges for a healthier and more fulfilling love life. Understanding Attachment Styles: Attachment style refers to how individuals form emotional bonds, primarily shaped by early caregiving experiences. Psychologists have identified four main attachment styles – secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, and fearful-avoidant. Each style presents its unique challenges when it comes to dating. Secure Attachment: Those with a secure attachment style typically view them and their partners favorably. They are comfortable with intimacy, trust, and independence, fostering healthy and harmonious romantic relationships. Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment: Individuals with an anxious attachment style often experience a fear of abandonment or rejection. They seek constant reassurance and validation from their partner, fearing they are not loved enough. This hyper-vigilance and need for constant closeness can sometimes strain relationships, leading to clinginess or overwhelming their partner. Dismissive-Avoidant Attachment: People with a dismissive-avoidant attachment style tend to prioritize independence and self-reliance. They may struggle with trust and intimacy, often displaying emotional distancing. They may come across as emotionally unavailable or uninterested, causing confusion and frustration in relationships. Fearful-Avoidant Attachment: Those with a fearful-avoidant attachment style often experience conflicting desires for connection and independence. They oscillate between craving intimacy and fearing it simultaneously, leading to mixed signals and difficulty in establishing and maintaining stable relationships. Impacts on Dating Relationships: Dating someone with attachment issues can present unique challenges. How attachment styles manifest in relationships can lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and emotional distress. Here are a few common scenarios: Insecurity and Jealousy: Anxious attachment individuals may constantly seek reassurance from their partner, leading to jealousy and possessiveness. This can strain trust and compromise the overall health of the relationship. Emotional Unavailability: Dismissive-avoidant individuals may struggle to express or recognize their emotions, often lacking an emotional connection with their partner. This can leave their partner feeling neglected and unimportant. Push and Pull Dynamics: Fearful-avoidant individuals may experience an inner push-and-pull conflict, pulling away when things get too close, only to seek closeness again later. This inconsistency can create confusion and instability for their partner. Navigating Attachment Issues: Recognizing and understanding your attachment style is the first step towards building healthier relationships. Here are a few tips for navigating attachment issues: Self-Awareness: Develop self-awareness by reflecting on your attachment style and past experiences that may have shaped it. This self-reflection can help you identify patterns and understand your reactions in relationships. Communication and Boundaries: Open and honest communication is vital to address attachment issues. Discuss your needs, fears, and insecurities with your partner. Set boundaries and work together to create a secure and supportive relationship environment. Seek Professional Help: If attachment issues become overwhelming and significantly impact your relationships, consider seeking the assistance of a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance and support, helping you navigate these challenges effectively. Relationships are so complicated at times and dating attachment issues can present significant hurdles in our pursuit of love and happiness. However, we can work towards healthier and more fulfilling relationships by understanding our attachment style and fostering open communication with our partners. Remember, self-compassion, patience, and a willingness to grow are the keys to overcoming attachment challenges and building a love life that brings joy and contentment. Ugh, Attachment issues, Erin Time to Dish: · Have you been in this type of relationship? · Where does someone push and pull? · How do you deal with their insecurities? · What if you do not want them attached? · How can you detach from a situation? · Do you just cut them off?

  • Divorcing in your 20s: Navigating the Unexpected Journey

    Divorce is a challenging and emotionally draining experience, no matter the age. However, divorcing in your 20s comes with unique challenges and complexities that often catch young adults off guard. While life at this stage is typically associated with exploring new beginnings and building a future, the unfortunate reality is that some marriages unravel, leaving couples with no choice but to part ways. In this blog, we will explore some common issues faced by individuals divorcing in their 20s and offer guidance on navigating this unexpected journey. 1. Exploring Identity One of the fundamental aspects of divorce in your 20s is the process of self-discovery. Many young adults enter marriage with a shared identity and intertwined goals, making it difficult to untangle one's dreams and aspirations from the relationship. The journey of divorce can provide an opportunity to rediscover who you are as an individual and set new personal goals for the future. 2. Social Stigma and Support Divorcing in your 20s can be met with judgment and disapproval from friends, family, and society. It is crucial to remember that divorce is a personal decision, and seeking support from understanding friends, support groups, or professional therapists can help alleviate the emotional burden. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can help counteract the negative stigma and provide the strength to navigate this challenging time. 3. Financial Ramifications In your 20s, financial stability is often a work in progress. Divorce can exacerbate economic insecurity as couples divide assets and encounter new expenses such as legal fees and separate living arrangements. Understanding individual economic rights and responsibilities during the divorce process is essential. Seeking legal advice and exploring practical strategies for managing finances post-divorce can help mitigate the long-term impact on your financial well-being. 4. Shifting Priorities Divorcing in your 20s can drastically change your trajectory and redefine your priorities. Suddenly, the plans you had for the future may no longer be applicable. This shift presents an opportunity to reassess personal goals, dreams, and ambitions, setting a new course for the future. Embrace this chance to focus on personal growth and build a life that aligns with your newfound independence. 5. Emotional Healing Divorce is an emotional rollercoaster, and healing can take time. It is essential to allow yourself to grieve the relationship's loss and seek professional help if needed. Channeling your emotions into positive outlets such as exercise, hobbies, or creative pursuits can aid in the healing process. Remember, healing requires self-compassion and patience - be gentle with yourself as you navigate the journey towards emotional well-being. While it may initially seem overwhelming, remember that you are not alone. Seek emotional and legal support and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Although the path might be rocky, it can ultimately lead to a more fulfilling, authentic life aligned with your aspirations. Remember always to do what is best for you! Erin

  • The Dual Perspectives: Exploring Both Sides of Cheating in a Relationship

    Cheating in a relationship is undoubtedly one of the most complex and emotionally charged issues couples often face. It is a topic that evokes strong feelings and heated debates. Perception about cheating varies widely, and opinions are usually divided. This blog aims to present an objective analysis of both sides of the coin, focusing on the motives, consequences, and potential paths to healing. The Side of the Cheater: Motives and Circumstances: While it is crucial to establish that cheating is never justified, it is equally important to understand the factors that may lead someone to engage in such behavior. Some common motives for cheating include a lack of emotional or physical fulfillment within the relationship, seeking validation or attention, or succumbing to temporary lapses in judgment. It is essential to acknowledge that external circumstances or personal vulnerabilities sometimes play a role. Emotional Complexity: Behind the cheating, act lie complex emotions. The person involved may experience guilt, shame, and internal conflict. Some individuals may even cheat as a misguided attempt to find happiness, masking their underlying unhappiness or dissatisfaction. This emotional complexity raises questions about mental well-being and the underlying issues within the relationship that may need attention. The Side of the Betrayed: Emotional Fallout: For the betrayed partner, discovering their infidelity can be incredibly devastating. Feelings of shock, anger, betrayal, and disillusionment are common. The emotional fallout can cause deep wounds, and the relationship's trust is shattered. The betrayed partner may question their worth, leading to long-lasting self-esteem issues. Rebuilding Trust and Healing: The betrayed partner faces the challenging ordeal of rebuilding trust in their relationship. It requires open communication, vulnerability, and a willingness to work through the pain together. It is crucial to seek therapy or counseling to facilitate healing and understand the roots of the infidelity. This process can either lead to the rekindling of a more substantial relationship or, in some cases, the realization that it is irreparably damaged. Finding Resolution and Moving Forward: Open Dialogue: Fostering open and honest communication is essential once both sides are willing to address the issue. This involves expressing emotions, acknowledging responsibility, and understanding each other's perspectives. It may be helpful to seek professional guidance to navigate difficult conversations effectively. Personal Growth and Reflection: The cheater and the betrayed partner can use this experience for personal growth. The cheater must reflect on their actions, take responsibility for their choices, and address the issues that led to the betrayal. Simultaneously, the betrayed partner can explore their feelings, seeking closure and understanding while working towards self-healing. Cheating in a relationship is deeply personal and multilayered, leaving no room for easy answers or definitive judgment. Understanding both sides is essential to promote empathy and support growth within individuals and couples affected by infidelity. While healing is possible, it requires a joint commitment to open communication, self-reflection, forgiveness, and personal growth. Only then can both partners move forward together or separately in their journey toward emotional well-being.

  • The Overwhelming Reality of Single Parenthood

    Being a parent is a challenging role on its own, but being single brings a whole new set of responsibilities and struggles. Single parents often face overwhelming situations that can leave them exhausted, stressed, and emotionally drained. In this blog, we will explore why single parents can become overwhelmed and offer suggestions on coping with these challenges. Financial Stress One of the primary sources of overwhelm for single parents is financial stress. Raising children is expensive, and when there is only one income source, making ends meet can be challenging. Single parents often must juggle paying bills, providing for their children’s needs, and ensuring financial stability. This constant worry about finances can take a toll on their mental well-being. Lack of Time Another common challenge for single parents is the need for more time. Balancing work and parenting duties can be incredibly demanding, leaving little time for self-care or personal pursuits. Single parents may feel guilty for not being able to spend enough quality time with their children or pursue their interests. The pressure to be both a breadwinner and a loving parent can become overwhelming, leading to a constant feeling of being stretched too thin. Emotional Burden Single parents often shoulder the emotional burden of raising a child without a partner. They must make all the critical decisions, be the sole source of comfort and support, and navigate parenting challenges alone. This emotional burden can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially during difficult times when a second set of hands and a supportive partner would be greatly appreciated. Loneliness and Isolation Single parents may also struggle with feelings of loneliness and isolation. Taking on all the responsibilities alone can make them feel disconnected from their friends and social circle. The lack of adult interaction and the absence of a partner to share the ups and downs of parenting can take a toll on their mental health. Coping Strategies While the challenges of single parenthood may seem overwhelming, there are ways to cope with the pressures and reduce stress: Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or support groups who can provide emotional and practical help when needed. Feel free to ask for help when you need it. Build a support network: Connect with other single parents who can relate to your experiences and provide support. Joining community groups or online forums can be a great way to find others in similar situations. Take care of yourself: Single parents need to prioritize self-care. Make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether exercising, reading, or spending time with friends. Set realistic expectations: Accept that you cannot do it all, and that is okay. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your child and focus on what truly matters. Financial assistance: Look into government or community programs that can provide financial services or support for single parents. Researching available resources can help alleviate some of the financial stress. Remember, being a single parent is not an easy task, and it's expected sometimes to feel overwhelmed. By seeking support, practicing self-care, and reaching out for assistance, single parents can navigate the challenges more effectively and find fulfillment in their parenting journey. I hope this helps you navigate! Erin Time to Dish: How are you feeling about single parenting? What helps you the most to cope with your situation? Even though you may have an involved ex, you are still a single parent 50% of the time or more- it's okay to feel overwhelmed, so how do you take care of yourself? What do you feel like you could do better?

  • Dating in your 40s,50s

    For many people, dating is the most exciting part of their 20s. They're testing out new things and figuring out who they are as a person, so naturally, they'll be attracted to someone who does something similar. And when you're in your 30s, 40s, or 50s and looking for love (or just companionship), it can be easy to feel left behind or discouraged by the lack of dating options out there for you. But don't give up! You have decades of life experience, wisdom about what works and doesn't work in relationships, and many great traits that make you excellent company—all things that will make your search more accessible than ever! Here are some tips on how to find love later in life: Be Realistic Be realistic about your age. Be realistic about what you want out of a relationship. Be realistic about how long it will take to find someone. Be realistic about the dating world in general, especially if you're looking for something serious or long-term--it can be hard to find! Be Open to New Dating Ideas If you're over 40 or 50 and looking for love, there are a few things to keep in mind. The dating scene has changed since you were younger, and meeting people is more challenging. You may have to be more proactive about finding someone who shares your interests and values. You might even have to try something different from what worked for you in the past--like going on an online date or joining an activity group with single members. Don't be afraid of change; embrace it! Be open-minded about what could happen next with this new person who caught your eye at the grocery store last week.. Get Out There Ask friends to set you up with someone. Use a dating site or app. Consider going solo (especially if it's been a while since your last relationship). Consider joining a club or organization where people in your age group hang out, like an alumni association or book club--the more diverse the membership, the better! Question Your Choices You'll want to question your choices. Maybe you've always assumed that a romantic partner is the only way to have a fulfilling life, and now that you've reached this age and are still single, it feels like the end of the world. Maybe you believe that if someone doesn't love you back after so many years together, there must be something wrong with them—and, therefore YOU! If this sounds familiar, don't despair--it's normal! And there are ways around these obstacles: Be open-minded about what dating could look like in your life. Don't forget those amazing people who aren't interested in marriage or children but still deserve some commitment from us anyway (like friends). Don't give up on finding love because one person didn't work out; keep trying until someone does! Understand the Differences Between 20s and 30s, 30s and 40s, and 40s and 50s If you're in your 20s or 30s, You're at the height of your career, so it's likely that you are focused on making money and achieving success in your field. You may also be looking for someone with whom to start a family. If you're in your 30s: Now that you have established yourself professionally, some people might find themselves seeking more personal fulfillment from their relationships than before--which often means starting a family or getting married for the first time (or remarrying). Know What You're Looking For Before you start dating, it's essential to know what you want. It's easy to get caught up in the excitement of meeting someone new and forget about your own needs and desires. The first step toward finding a fulfilling relationship is having an honest conversation with yourself about the kind of partner you want: Do you want someone who shares similar interests? Is personality more important than looks? How important are children or finances? If certain qualities are non-negotiable for you (like religion), make sure those come first when filtering through potential partners. And remember--you can always change your mind! If you're not finding love in community groups or on apps or dating sites, consider going solo for a while. Yes, it's a scary thought: being alone. But it may be time to take this step if you're trying to date in your 40s and 50s. You might find that being single allows you to reflect on what has worked well in previous relationships and what hasn't worked at all; think about what qualities are important to you in a partner, explore the side of yourself that doesn't need another person around all the time; figure out how much space (physical and emotional) do I want in my life right now? And then give yourself permission to be single and enjoy being single! If this sounds like something that could work for you right now--and even if it doesn't sound like something that would ever work out well--consider these two benefits: First off, spending time alone helps us appreciate our own company more than ever before - which means when we do find someone special they'll feel extra special because they've earned their way into our hearts through self-love first rather than secondhand validation from external sources like friends/family members who may not always know what's best for us anyway." Dating can be an opportunity for self-reflection: what do I like? What don't I like? How would I describe myself as a person? Dating helps us learn more about ourselves and our values, which will help us find someone who shares those values in their own life. If you're thinking about dating and want to know what it looks like, remember there are many ways. You don't have to be in a relationship at this stage, and you don't have to date someone just because they want one with you. If you're having trouble finding love in community groups, apps, or dating sites, consider going solo for a while--you might find yourself meeting new people in unexpected places! Have fun out there! Erin Time to Dish: · Have you dated since your divorce or break-up? · Did you find yourself falling into the same habits? · Did you find it refreshing to talk to new people? · Where did you find this person? · Or are you enjoying solo time?

  • The reason divorce is on the rise.

    The number of divorces is rising, and people are getting married later in life. But why? According to statistics, there are many reasons why this is happening. Divorce is on the rise because more people are getting married later in life, and more people are getting married to someone of a different culture or religion. This can cause problems for families who may have other political affiliations, as well. The typical age of divorce is in the 40s and 50s. Divorce rates are higher for couples who have children, but they're also relatively high for those without kids. Why are divorces on the rise? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the marriage and divorce rates in the United States have declined over the past decade. In 2019, there were 16.3 new marriages per 1,000 women aged 15 and over, down from 17.6 in 2009. At the same time, the divorce rate decreased from 9.7 new divorces per 1,000 women aged 15 and over in 2009 to 7.6 in 2019[1]. Additional reasons: More couples are getting married later in life than ever before because they want to establish themselves financially before starting a family; this means that their marriages may be less stable than previous generations' unions were because they haven't had time to build trust or get comfortable with each other yet! Also contributing to this issue is social media use; many people find themselves comparing their own lives against those of others online (which can be both inspiring and discouraging), causing them not only to feel like they're missing out but also leading them into thinking something must be wrong with them if they aren't experiencing similar successes as everyone else seems to have achieved by now! What are the new stats on divorce as of 2023? The average age of divorce is 45 years old. The average length of marriage before divorce is 12 years. The average cost of a divorce is $15,000, which includes attorney fees and court costs. It takes 1-2 years for couples to get divorced once they file for it (depending on where you live). Reasons for choosing divorce: There are many reasons why people get divorced. For example, financial reasons or infidelity are common causes of divorce. Others include lack of communication, alcohol abuse, and abuse in the relationship. It's also possible that you and your spouse don't have enough in common anymore, or maybe one person has changed so much since getting married that it makes sense for you both to move on with your lives separately. If you're thinking about getting a divorce but aren't sure if it's best for everyone involved--or if there might be another option--it can help to talk things through with someone who understands what it means to be married or divorced (and doesn't have any personal stake in whether this works out). As you can see, there are many reasons why people get divorced. It's becoming more common than ever before! Peace, Erin Time to Dish: · What age did you get married? · Are you considering divorce? If so, why? · Are you already divorced? What age did you divorce? · Why did you divorce? · How do you feel about divorce? Sources: U.S. Census Bureau - Marriage and Divorce Rates Declined in Last 10 Years CDC - Divorce Rates by State: 2019-2021

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