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  • Dating: Application Tips & Tricks

    Dating apps have taken over the dating landscape in a big way. They offer convenience and ease and are a great way to meet new people. If you've never used dating applications before, it can be hard to know what to do or how to start. That's why we've put together this handy guide for those of you who are just getting started with dating apps! How to Navigate: You can swipe right on someone if you like them or swipe left if you don't. If they do the same, it's a match, and you can start chatting! If someone doesn't want to match with you, don't take it personally; they just may not be interested in dating at this time or place. Try again another time when/where it works better for both parties involved. What to do if someone doesn't want to match with me? Don't worry about it--they might not be into who YOU are yet! Give yourself some time and try again later when/where things might go better than before (and vice versa). That said: if someone continues rejecting multiple attempts at making contact over several days' worth of interactions, then perhaps this isn't going anywhere. What dating application do you choose? Are you looking for someone who is in your age range? Are you looking for someone with similar interests and hobbies? Do you want to be able to meet people who live near you, or would you instead meet someone from across the country or the world? These are all important questions when considering what dating application suits you. How many dating applications are out there? There are a lot of dating apps out there. Some are free, and some are paid, but they all have one thing in common: they're meant to help you find your soulmate. The best part? There's something for everyone! If you're looking for a serious relationship and have your eye on another person with the same goal, check out Match or eHarmony. If casual hookups are more your speed, Grindr might be right up your alley (or down your pants). And if neither of these options sounds like what you're looking for--maybe because you have yet to learn yourself or someone else told them what kind of partner would suit them--then OkCupid is probably where it's at! The first thing you will want to do is think about why you are using a dating app. Are you looking for love? Or just some sex? Maybe both! If you want to find someone who shares your interests and values, then an app like Tinder may be better for you than one like OKCupid or If the latter is more your speed, then there are still ways for those who have no interest in meeting their soulmate through technology: many bars now have Tinder nights where singles can go out together and swipe right (or left) on each other over drinks instead of just staring at their phones all night long until they get tired enough that they go home alone--and then cry themselves to sleep over it because no one ever wants them anyway because everyone else has moved on from being single too so why won't anyone ever love me again?! Tips for the best chances of matching: Choose a dating app that is right for you. Make sure the app is free and easy to use. Make sure the app is secure, primarily if you use it to meet strangers or plan your first date. Choose an app with a large user base so that plenty of people might be interested in meeting someone like you! You need to make sure you're using a dating app that will be helpful to you. The first thing you need to do is make sure you're using a dating app that will be helpful to you. Don't just use one; try a few. You can use more than one at once, but make sure they're all geared toward what you're looking for in terms of location and age range. If your goal is finding someone in your area or nearby cities, go with something like Tinder or Bumble (better if you want women). If your dream date is someone who lives across the country and has no interest in traveling there anytime soon, consider using Grindr or Scruff (the former being better if it's men). We hope this article has helped you to make an informed decision about which dating app is best for you. There are so many options out there, but with some careful thought and research, we're sure you'll find one that works well for your needs. Here is a complete list from Tom's Guide. Dating is not simple these days at any age, especially with technology; however, you can also use dating apps for pure entertainment :) Remember, you can have our new Audiobook for FREE. just email us at xoxo Erin

  • And they can not text you back--- WHAT?

    I'm sure you've been there: You text someone, and they don't respond. Then, you wait and decide it's time to give up. But then you wonder...why did they ignore me? Were they just busy? Was there another reason why they didn't respond? Well, I'm here to tell you why! When someone doesn't respond to your text, they are ignoring you. It's rude and disrespectful, and they don't care much about you. And you deserve a heckuva lot better than that! Theory: People will think they are more important than you, but need more time to respond. Have you ever been on a date, and then the person you've been with doesn’t text you back? It's a horrible feeling. You may think they are somehow more important than you & need more time to respond...but I've learned not to buy that one. Honestly, it makes them look like an idiot because they are sooooo busy that they cannot even take the time to respond. Puh-leeze. You may also feel that this person does not care about what is going on in your life. Perhaps something terrible has happened to you, e.g. your car broke down or got hit by another vehicle while parked on the street. You feel like crap but they aren't really that interested if they've gone silent. It can feel like a sick game. It boils down to this: If you're wondering why someone doesn't answer your texts, most likely that they don't want to talk to you. They may be testing the waters to see if they can get away with not answering and then maybe give it another shot later down the road. You know what? That's fine. But if this person isn't willing or able at this point (or ever), please move on! They want to spend their time responding only if theyre interested in you. It's all about them. If they do respond, and it's a short and straightforward response (like "I like your profile"), then maybe you have a shot at getting them out on a date. But if they don't even bother answering your message, it's best to avoid sending any more messages or trying again later. However, if it seems like they might be interested in dating you but don't text back right away, wait it out! They'll get back to you eventually if they want to date someone as awesome as you. But when it comes to texting, or not, keep these points in mind, they can be mind-blowing: People are less critical than you You are the only one who can make your life better or worse, so it's up to you to take care of yourself first and foremost. Always look out for number one So, if you've ever wondered why someone won't text back, now you know. Likely, they don't want to talk to you or are too busy. But don't worry; plenty of other people out there will respond when they receive your message because they are actual adults who know how to communicate. Be true to yourself, Erin Time to Dish: Have you ever not texted someone back? How do you feel when you text, and someone does not text you back? How did you handle that situation? Can you honestly believe that grown adults - get stuck on stupid? Get your FREE Divorcee Dish ebook:

  • How do you change your attitude about divorce?

    I know it's not easy to change your attitude about divorce when you're in the middle of one. Divorce is stressful for everyone involved: You, your soon-to-be-ex spouse, and especially your kids. However, if you can find a way to accept that things are indeed changing – and, surprise, maybe even embrace them – I promise it'll make things easier for everyone involved. It might even help with that whole happiness thing we all want so much! Here are some tips: It would be best if you considered talking to a professional. If you're having trouble coping with divorce, seeking help is crucial. And you don't have to do it alone, nor should you feel alone. So many resources available in person and online, including counselors and support groups, can help you through this challenging time in your life. You might not have a choice about the divorce. If you're in an irreconcilable situation and a divorce is inevitable, you must consider improving your life afterward. Focus on the positive aspects of being single again and what it will mean for your future happiness. Sure, you’ll think about what you'll miss from the marriage but focus on what you'll gain from being single again. Instead of focusing on the negative, think about what you can do to improve your life. Banish thinking about what you don't want, like being single again or having to pay alimony; think about what is good for you and how it will affect your life moving forward. Think about how good it feels when someone tells us we look nice today or brings us flowers just because they think of us. Think about all those little things that make up our day-to-day lives and how much better those moments are than any big ones could ever be! Paying attention to yourself and your feelings is essential when going through a divorce. Be honest about what went wrong in your marriage and what role you played in its demise. Learn from your mistakes by thinking carefully about how they might have been avoided or minimized if you'd done things differently. Remember that you are not alone; many people have dealt with divorce before, and many will again in their future relationships. Please seek out these friends who have been through similar experiences so that they can help guide you through this challenging time. Finally, take some time now while things are still fresh on your mind. Consider what changes need to be made so that things go better for everyone involved (including yourself) next time. Think about what parts of the relationship were good--and which weren't so great after all... Think about what you'll miss from the marriage and what you'll gain from being single again. You will miss the good times you had with your spouse. You may have been married for a long time, and there were some excellent moments then. But with divorce, you'll also gain freedom, independence, and a chance to be yourself again. You might have been living someone else's idea of what life should be like if you were married or in a long-term relationship before getting divorced. Now you can try new things and live a different life than what was expected of you by others' standards (or even your own). Also, this is a big one: You cannot control your kids' feelings about the divorce, but you can be a good role model. Children learn from their parents, and it's essential that you are happy and healthy for yourself. Remember that it's better for your kids if you're happy and healthy once they're grown up and out of the house. Being sad, angry, and scared is OK - those are all normal emotions. But don't let those feelings take over your life or get in the way of your kids' lives too much. They need to have both parents involved in their lives after the divorce as much as possible (and this doesn't mean every day). The Wrap-Up. If you find that one or more of these feelings are overwhelming you or making things worse than they need to be, it may help if you find someone who knows how hard this time can be on people like family members/friends who have been through similar situations themselves before so they might understand what we're going through better than others do too. It's never easy to go through a divorce, but it can be much more complicated if you're not in a good place mentally. If you find yourself struggling with your attitude about divorce and other life changes, don't hesitate to seek help from someone who can guide you through the healing process so that one day soon (hopefully), all will be well again. It takes time and work; however, we believe in you and are here for you anytime at You got this! Erin Listen to DIVORCEE DISH TWO for FREE - message us!

  • What sexy means after your divorce:

    Divorce is a stressful and complicated process for everyone involved. It can be incredibly challenging for women or men who have long been socialized to put others' needs before their own. You may feel that you're not sexy anymore and don't have much of a sense of self-worth. This can be especially true if you're going through a divorce after many years of marriage or if you now find yourself single at an older age. However, it's important to remember that being sexy doesn't mean looking like the latest celebrity in People magazine—it means feeling good about yourself! What does it mean to be sexy? Sexy is a feeling. Sexy isn't about your body or what you wear; it's how you carry yourself and interact with others. If you feel sexy, others will see that in you--and want to be around it. So if you're worried about how others perceive your sexiness (or lack thereof), stop worrying so much! Sexy also means being comfortable in your skin. It doesn't matter how old or young or fat or thin or tall or short we all are--the key is feeling good about who we are as individuals before we worry about anything else. And once again: this comes from within each of us--not from some external source telling us what our limitations should be based on age/weight/height, etcetera... What are some tips to make yourself feel more comfortable? · Think about what makes you feel sexy. · What are some things that make me feel sexy? · What are some things about my personality that make me feel sexy? · What are some things about my body that make me feel sexy? What phrases can you say to yourself to feel sexy? · I am sexy. · I am beautiful. · I am handsome. · I am funny. · I am confident. · I can do this! We know that this can be a difficult time for you, but we also know that it doesn't have to be. We hope this blog will help you feel more confident and sexier in your skin again. Remember, don't give up! You are beautiful, handsome, cute, fun, and valuable no matter what anyone else thinks of you. Be YOU, and YOU ARE SEXY! Listen to DIVORCEE DISH TWO

  • Post Divorce: When do you begin to date after divorce & you have kids?

    It feels GREAT when you’re ready to start dating after your divorce. It means you’ve moved on and are prepared to begin a new chapter in your life. However, going from being a married man or woman and a parent no less to starting over as single and dating again can be highly stressful. You want to ensure you’re OK with it, especially that your children are OK with it, but how do you tell them? Here are some tips on how to express to your family that you're ready for a new relationship: Start When You Are Ready YOU, Y-O-U. You’ve been through a lot; getting your life back on track can take time. Before jumping into another relationship, you must have your life in order, financially and emotionally. Beware of someone with baggage or drama; they will only bring more stress into your life, which will cause more problems than they are worth. Note the below: You must be stable. We all have our ups and downs, but if there are signs of depression or anxiety on your end or his/hers, this is not the right time for dating. Remember that you don't want anyone else's problems affecting yours. Remember how hard it was dealing with them alone? Imagine how much harder it would be if someone else had them too, which carried over into your life. Be happy. Suppose there aren't any signs of depression or anxiety, but instead, there is anger toward others. This is not healthy behavior either, so please seek help before trying a new relationship. Anger management classes exist for reasons like these, so perhaps you should sign up today and learn more about it. Tell Your Kids Before Dating & Be Honest With Them You must be honest with your kids and tell them what’s happening. Let them know that you are thinking about dating again and why it's essential for you to do so. And gently tell them what you expect from them while you are dating (or considering dating). And note there’s a difference between being honest and sharing too much. You don't want to lie or hide the truth from your children, but sometimes it's best to wait until they are older before opening up about your dating life. Whether or not you choose to tell them about the other person depends on how intense the relationship is and how much time has passed since your divorce was finalized; if you're beginning to date after the divorce and aren't sure if this person could become “the one,” hold off on telling them about yourself and your kids until things are more settled in both areas of life. Listen to Your Kids and Understand Them When you begin dating after divorce, listening to and understanding your kids is essential. They are going through a lot of emotions, changes, and growth. They are also facing challenges that they may not have experienced before. But remember, it’s OK for you as a parent (or guardian) to share how you feel about dating again after divorce so that your child feels comfortable talking about their feelings about this new relationship with someone else who loves them dearly, you. Give Them Time to Adjust When you begin to date after a divorce, it's important not to rush into anything. You don't want your kids or ex-spouse to feel like they're being pushed out of your life. Give them time to adjust and get comfortable with this new normal for both them and you. It's also important not to rush into a relationship just because you want one badly. It might be tempting when everyone around seems happy in theirs but remember, everyone's situation is different, and there may be a good reason why someone isn't ready or willing yet (or ever, for that matter). You should always do what feels suitable for yourself and your kids first! What’s the best way to tell your kids? When you begin to date after a divorce, you'll want to ensure your kids understand and feel safe in their homes. Here are some tips for telling them: Tell them before you start dating. The earlier, the better. It's best to hear from a parent rather than a friend or family member who might need to have all the facts straight (or even care). Do this in person. If not, write your child a personal letter explaining that someone else will be coming into your and their lives and why it's happening so soon after their parent’s separation/divorce. Tell them when they're always calm and not angry with either parent (which is always it seems!). This way, they'll be able to process what is being stated more quickly than if they were already upset about something else, such as schoolwork deadlines or having just lost a critical soccer game against another team from across town yesterday! It's important to remember that kids are incredibly intuitive and innovative and know more than we give them credit for. They understand what is going on in their parent’s lives and want to be involved in the decision-making process. We can help our children by listening to what they say and ensuring they feel safe talking about what they think about the new person coming into their life without judgment or criticism from us. Everyone deserves happiness; sometimes, it just takes time. Love, Erin Time to Dish: · When did you start dating after your divorce or separation? · How was it? · How did you find a person? · When did you introduce your children? Listen to DIVORCEE DISH TWO

  • Divorce: 7 Tips for Single Parenting

    Being a single parent is one of the hardest things you'll ever do. You must be both a mother and a father, which takes strength, patience, and love. However, some tips can make your life easier as a single parent: 1) Be honest with your feelings: As a single parent, you must be honest with your feelings. You may cry more than usual, and it's okay if you do! It's also okay if you don't feel like crying- you can feel however you want. It's essential for children when their parents show emotions openly and honestly because it teaches them that it's okay for them too. Children who grow up seeing their parents being open about their feelings grow up knowing how powerful those same emotions can be when appropriately expressed; they learn how important it is for people to say themselves honestly even when things get difficult or scary; they see from early on how much strength comes from having someone else by your side during tough times...and so much more! 2) Set boundaries for yourself: As a single parent, setting boundaries for yourself and your children is essential. This means that you need to take care of your own needs first so that you don't overcompensate for the absence of their other parent by taking on too much responsibility or being too involved in their lives. You can set boundaries by: Setting clear time limits on when and where your child will be allowed access to electronic devices (phones/tablets) so they have time away from screens; Making sure they know they can come to talk if they're feeling overwhelmed or confused about something without being judged. We are teaching them how to handle money responsibly so they understand what it takes financially and emotionally when making decisions like buying things online through a debit card versus cash. We are setting aside some "me" time every week where no one else is allowed at home except me! 3) Do not overcompensate: Do not overcompensate. Don't compare your child to other people's children or others' experiences. Be kind and gentle with yourself as a parent, but also know when you need help from others--and don't be afraid to ask for it! Be kind and gentle with your child but expect them to make mistakes. It's part of growing up! 4) Take care of yourself so you can better take care of your kids: No question that being a single parent is tough. You're responsible for everything and have no one to turn to when things get tough. But it would be best if you took care of yourself to take care of your kids better. Take care of yourself physically by getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, and exercising regularly--even if it's just walking around the block every afternoon after work or going on weekend hikes with your children. It will help keep both their minds and bodies healthy! And remember to take time for yourself away from all those responsibilities as well! Whether taking an hour out of each day to relax with a cupcake (or two), watching movies in bed while eating popcorn, or reading books at night instead of checking emails...whatever makes YOU happy will help make life easier for everyone involved! 5) Tell the truth to your child. Children are very perceptive and will know if you're lying to them or trying to protect them from the truth. Kids should hear it from you than someone else, like another kid at school who may not have all the facts straight (or might even be spreading rumors). Don't sugarcoat things for your kids. Please don't lie about what happened or makeup stories about why things are happening in your life now; tell it like it is! It's okay if some parts are sad or scary; explain as best as possible so they understand what's going on around them, but don't leave out anything essential either--you don't want any surprises later down the road when they find out something else happened during this period that wasn't mentioned earlier on either side of things." 6) Do not compare your child to other people's children or others' experiences. One of the most important things you can do is stop comparing your child to others. This is especially true if you compare their behavior or personality with another person's child. It can be easy for us as parents to look at other people's children and think they are better behaved, well-adjusted, and overall better off than our kids, but this isn't always the case. Each family has their own unique set of circumstances that shape them into who they are today.Additionally, please don't compare your experience as a single parent with someone else's experiences either--it will only make things more stressful! 7) Single parenting is hard, but it is worth it. Being a single parent is hard, but it's worth it. You will learn to be more self-sufficient and independent. You'll have to learn to do things you never thought possible, like ensuring your kid has clean clothes and food in their belly. But these skills will help you become a better parent for your child because they teach patience, resilience, and independence--all essential qualities for being a good parent at any age! The most important thing to remember is that you are not alone. Millions of single parents are going through the same thing you are, and they can be your support system when things get tough. You will make mistakes along the way but also learn from them so that things will improve for you and your children next time! xoxo Erin Time to Dish: How is single parenting going for you? What is the best thing about being a single parent? What is the worst thing about being a single parent? How do you feel about the experience so far? Listen to DIVORCEE DISH TWO

  • Divorcee Dish TWO is now available as an audiobook, and you can listen for FREE!

    Please message us for a CODE - limited availability! We are thrilled to announce that @DivorceeDish TWO is now available. Check it out:

  • Dating/Divorce: Why they mess with your head.

    You know the feeling: you see someone, and your mind starts spinning. Maybe they're hot, or funny, or smart, there’s just something about them him or her that makes you think twice. BUT…you can't quite put your finger on it. There’s something off about them in a way that's hard to describe. Then boom, they go out of their way to be nice to you, and suddenly everything seems perfect…until they do something totally un-perfect again. However, don't worry if this sounds familiar. It happens to everyone at one point or another once you dive into the dating pool. Here are some common reasons why people might mess with your head (and how to deal). · They are into you. The worst part about this is that it's all in your head. Yes! The other person isn't trying to be mean or hurtful; they're just being themselves and doing what comes naturally to them. They don't know how you feel about them, so they're trying to figure out if there's any potential for a romantic relationship between the two of you. And if this person does like you, then he/she might think it would be better if he/she made the first move instead of waiting for something from you first, e.g., a kiss or some form of physical contact (holding hands). When someone likes another person who doesn't return those feelings back yet, they may try harder until they succeed at getting closer physically by initiating more intimate interactions like kissing on the lips with tongue involved! Whoa, jackpot! · They are scared. They are afraid of getting hurt, they are afraid of rejection, and they are afraid of being vulnerable. They often don't want to show their true selves because they think that you will reject them if you know who they really are. It's easier for them to lie (ugh) than tell the truth because then there is less chance of getting hurt or rejected by someone else. The truth hurts but so does lying! Lying makes your heart heavy inside while telling the truth sets your mind free from burdens and guilt feelings that come with deceiving others around us in our daily lives. As human beings co-existing on planet earth together peacefully side by side as one big family…it’s called "humanity" and it freaks a lot of people out, hence the lies. · They are confused. They don't know how they feel and they're not sure what they want, so they mess with your head to try and figure it out. They are afraid of hurting you or losing you, which causes them to act out in ways that make no sense at all. They may even think that if they do enough crazy stuff, then something will change for the better (really cray cray). But instead of getting closer together as a result of their antics (which is what most people hope for), this behavior only makes things worse between the two of you. Here's the deal: Get to know your own intentions and those of the other person, before moving forward by asking yourself these questions: 1) Why am I considering this person? What do I want from him/her? 2) How does this person make me feel? Is it a good feeling or a bad one, and why do I think that's so (or not)? 3) What is true for me right now? What isn't true for me right now? What do I want to be true in my life and how can this person help me get there? I hope this article has helped shed some light on why people mess with your head, and what you can do about it. And remember that there are always two sides to every story, so don't jump to conclusions without understanding both sides first! Keep your heads together, Erin Time to Dish: What can you do to stop being messed with? What are some statements you can create to help you? How will you create boundaries? Listen to DIVORCEE DISH TWO

  • Divorce + Dating: Liars and cheaters.

    I'm a firm believer in honesty and transparency in relationships. If you're going to be with someone, it's important that they respect your feelings, tell the truth, and be upfront with you about everything in their life. I've found that liars are unreliable people who will do anything to save face or avoid the consequences o f their actions, which bluntly means they might not be worth your time or effort. Here are some signs that can help you spot liars and cheaters: The core of their issue is insecurity. If someone is a liar or cheater, the core of their issue is insecurity. They are obsessed with keeping up appearances and maintaining control over their (and your) life, which can be healthy in small doses but becomes unhealthy when taken to extremes. You are afraid of being found out for who you are--and then losing what matters most: your partner and friends. You may also fear being alone or judged by others for making mistakes (because all humans make mistakes). If a person lies, they are not confident in their relationship with you or themselves. Here it is folks, in black and white: · Lying is trying to make yourself or the other person feel better. It's also a way to improve your position in the relationship. · Lying is an act of self-preservation and self-protection, but it can easily backfire if you're not careful. If someone lies to you, they might be doing so because they think it will help them avoid getting into trouble or hurt feelings--but all they do is hurt themselves by making their partner distrustful and suspicious of them. · People lie to others to make themselves seem more important or influential than they are. · Lying is one of the most common ways people try to make themselves seem more important or influential than they are. · Lying can also be a way for people who feel insecure about themselves (for example, someone with low self-esteem) to boost their ego by making others believe things about them that aren't true. Lies lies lies lies lies. Another way liars try to appear more important or powerful than they are is by telling lies that make other people look bad, like spreading gossip or starting rumors-so they look better in comparison. The liar might think: "If people think I'm so smart and clever, maybe they'll like me better. When someone is dishonest about a big deal like cheating, they're insecure about something else in the relationship. If someone is lying (there’s that word again) about a big deal like cheating, they're insecure about something else in the relationship. That insecurity can be caused by low self-esteem, lack of social skills and emotional immaturity. Insecurities can also be tied back to trauma and abuse from childhood or adolescence that hasn't been dealt with yet (something I've written about before). In my experience with clients who have been cheated on, it almost always comes down to one thing: They were afraid their partners would leave them if they knew how unhappy they were in the relationship. Now for the cheaters. Cheaters give themselves an excuse to be dishonest and get out of a bad situation without considering their partner's feelings. They don't think about how their actions will affect you, they don't think about the consequences of their actions, and they don't even consider how it would make YOU feel if you found out that they were cheating on you. Cheaters only think about themselves! Like a liar, cheaters blame the other person for something that only THEY could control, like their actions. They're insecure and need to make themselves look better by making you feel bad about yourself or your relationship. They want to escape a bad situation without considering your feelings, so they blame YOU for their actions (e.g., "You got dumped because you weren't good enough!"). So, while there are plenty of good people are out there, liars and cheaters are most definitely in the mix. It's important to recognize them for the creeps they are and dump them before the above signs become too serious. xoxo Erin Time to Dish: Have you cheated? Have you been cheated on? How did that may you feel? Did you stay with the person that cheated on you? If you are the one that cheated, why? How did or do you recover from being cheated on or cheating?

  • Divorce/Post-Divorce: Why not me?

    Have you ever felt like you're not enough? So, the person you are showing love doesn't share your feelings, or that he/she isn’t as invested in the relationship as you are? Well, I have good news for you: you are enough. Your love is true and pure. Let’s explore and settle this matter once and for all: Do you feel like you aren't good enough? Of course, you are enough. You are more than enough. You are perfect, and nothing can change that. You were born to do amazing things and make an impact on this world, no matter how small or large your goal may be and there is no time limit on your dreams! You are loved by so many people in ways you cannot even begin to understand or comprehend because they don't want anything from you other than your happiness and well-being (and maybe some cookies). You deserve all the good things life has to offer because being alive itself is a gift from God/the Universe/whatever higher power exists out there beyond our understanding at any given moment in time. We have been given free will so we can choose how we wish our lives to turn out…so why not choose wisely? Do you feel like the person you love doesn't share your feelings? If you've found yourself in the position of loving someone who doesn't return that love, it can be hard to accept. You may feel like your feelings are not enough and wonder why they would reject such pure adoration. But here’s the thing: they need to remember that your love is true and pure, and it just wasn't meant for them. Maybe they're not ready for a relationship at this point in their life or maybe there are other reasons why they don't see what an amazing person you are! But no matter what happens, know that there will always be someone out there who appreciates your affectionate nature as much as we do here. Honestly! Did he/she leave you? This is simple and I Implore you to take this in: They leave you because they are not ready to be with you. They leave you because they are not ready to be loved. They leave you because they are not ready to love you, or anyone else for that matter. You are enough. Your love is true and pure. You are enough. Takeaways: Your love is true and pure, and you do not need to change for anyone else. You can find someone who loves you for who you are. We all want to be loved and feel that our love is true and pure. It's important to remember that you are enough, even if it doesn't seem like it. Your feelings are valid and deserve respect from others. You deserve happiness in your life, please always keep that top of mind. Love you, Erin

  • Divorce: Trends & Tips.

    Divorce can be a painful and extremely stressful experience. Fortunately, you don't have to go through it alone and we’re here to share some tips and trends that can help make the process easier. Trends in ‘23. · Divorce is on the rise. In the U.S., divorce rates have risen over the past decade and show no signs of slowing down. · Divorce rates vary by state and demographics. Some states have higher than average divorce rates, while others have lower ones. Likewise, some demographics are more likely to end their marriages than others (for example, men typically get divorced more often than women). · Religious affiliation can affect your likelihood of getting a divorce. Different religions have different perceptions of divorce: Some religions accept divorce as a fact of life, while others only believe it is right under certain circumstances like adultery. Also, some religions allow remarriage after divorce, and others believe it is inherently wrong. It’s complicated and something to think about. Tip #1 - Make sure you have the right legal team. The first step in your divorce process is choosing the right legal team. You want a lawyer with experience with divorce cases and who knows the laws in your state, but most importantly, you want them to be interested in helping you. A good lawyer will listen to what you say and offer advice based on her/his knowledge of the law and past experiences with similar cases. Tip #2 - Your needs are essential, as well as your spouse's needs. One of the most important things to remember is that your needs and your spouses are essential. This may seem obvious, but it can be easy to forget in a divorce situation when there is so much emotional turmoil surrounding you and your spouse. It's essential to ensure both parties understand each other's needs and goals for the divorce process so that they can feel safe about moving forward with their lives after the divorce is finalized. Tip #3 - There are many different things you need to know before getting divorced. Divorce is a legal process that can be complex and time-consuming. It is essential to know what you're entitled to and whether it's worth fighting for. You need to know the rules and regulations for your state, which vary nationwide. For example, some states have "no-fault divorces," meaning no one needs to prove why they want out of their marriage; others require one spouse (usually the husband) to prove that another party (usually his wife) has done something wrong such as adultery or abuse before granting him/her permission. Net net, divorce is a complex process and certainly not a cake walk, but it can be easier to know what to expect and have the right support once you educate yourself. If you're going through a divorce, ensure you have all the resources available to help you and if you’re not sure you do, ask people who’ve been through it and people who you trust. Of course, you can also read our new, updated DD book/audiobook, Divorcee Dish TWO for important tips, support, true stories and a lot that’s guaranteed to tickle your funny bone when you need it most! Take care, Erin

  • Post Divorce: When your dating pool sucks.

    If you're single, your dating options may be limited. You might live in a small town or work too much to meet people outside the office…or whatever. A million reasons. Perhaps you've tried online dating – for god’s sake, who hasn’t?! - but felt you need more. I get it, as does everyone else struggling with their “love life”(note the sarcastic clause quotes). So here are a few of my ideas for ways to tap into your local community if it seems like there aren't many single people around (and there are): 1) You're looking for someone to date but only have a few options? The problem is that your dating pool blows. Why? Because there aren't many people in it who are interested in you. The reasons: · They might be looking for something different than what you're offering (e.g., they are not interested in having kids) · They've already found someone who meets their needs better than you and would focus on that relationship instead of seeing another person to date when they're happy with the one they've got now (or vice versa). 2) The second reason your dating app options suck is that everyone else has already found someone, and those people might not even live nearby! You may also find yourself stuck between two groups: Those willing to meet up face-to-face right away vs. those who insist on keeping things strictly digital until later when things feel comfier and cozy between them both emotionally. 3) How to get over your dating app frustrations: When your dating pool options suck (I hate that word, but it works here, it's easy to get frustrated and want to throw in the towel. But if you take a break from the app and go out with friends or family, you'll find plenty of people who would love to meet someone like you. Yes, YOU. Plus, it'll help give you some perspective on what makes for a suitable date versus just having fun with someone who doesn't necessarily want something serious. If all else fails, try making some new friends instead of dating them right away--there's nothing wrong with being single! You might even discover that hanging out with others can be more fulfilling than trying to find a romantic partner at this point (or maybe it won't). Either way: don't give up hope just yet! Your assignment today: · Find a friend to go out with you · Go somewhere where you can meet people · Go somewhere you enjoy and feel comfortable, like an art museum or a bookstore. · Don't be afraid of rejection! If someone doesn't like you back, it's not the end of the world--they're not your type! Try again tomorrow with someone else who might appreciate what makes YOU so unique (and vice versa) Net net, getting out of your comfort zone can be challenging, especially when your dating life is going nowhere. But trust me, if you put yourself out there and go out more often, you will meet people looking for a relationship like yours! I have heard from friends that their experiences changed once they stopped focusing on online dating and started going out more often with friends or family members instead (or both). Until next time Dishers, Erin

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