You may have had a physical affair that ended your marriage or perhaps a long-term relationship. You may have emotionally cheated on your partner, and they can all produce the same results. Cue heart palpitations.
Unfortunately, affairs of all types are rising due to messaging platforms everywhere. It almost seems as if they're beckoning us to play.
Let's talk about the top 2 types of cheating and what to be on the lookout for:
Emotional Cheating - A type of infidelity where one partner shares emotional intimacy and connection with someone other than their partner. This connection crosses the boundaries of a healthy, platonic relationship and assumes a breach of trust within the primary relationship (Source:;
Physical Cheating - A physical affair is the most prominent and common form of cheating in a marriage or partnership. This type of relationship involves intimate sexual encounters. The cheating spouse may or may not have feelings toward the person they are involved with. (Source: Google search).
While those are the top two, more and more affairs are becoming common. Here's a biggie: Micro-cheating?
No doubt you've heard about micro-dosing (unrelated to relationships), but what is micro-cheating? Micro-cheating is the act of cultivating, in small ways, inappropriate intimate connections outside your relationship.

And as if those aren't enough, the Infidelity Recovery Institute has defined seven - 7! - additional affairs types of affairs:
The one-night stand, a la an Accidental Affair - This affair may well be a past betrayal. The typical one-night air usually occurs when a spouse is away from home, possibly on a business or pleasure trip (not to be confused with a string of one-night stands).
Intimacy and Content Avoidance Affair - Exactly what it sounds like.
Philanderer Affair, aka Womanizers - there is no emotional attachment to the affair partners – they are conquests.
Entitlement Affair meaning the "Royal Affair" The Entitlement Affair is usually a serious, long-term one in which the straying partner is charming, famous, successful, and influential.
Split Self Affair: This could be a Romantic, Mid-Life Crisis, or a Coming Out Affair.
Exit Affair: (Example) The relationship had underlying tension and resentment building up for years (perhaps starting before the wedding).
Sexual Addiction Affair: Yes, this happens often. Difficult as it is for many to believe, sex addicts truly feel powerless in their ability to control their desires.
With so many “types,” most fall under the traditional emotional and physical. Which begs the question: how does everyone end up together anymore?
Researching this topic, whether you have experienced an affair or are a cheater, I learned that guilt, hurt and self-loathing are the effects most people carry throughout their lives. I'm writing this blog today to tell our readers that while you may be embarrassed to talk about it if this has happened to you, you’re not alone, and we want you to know healing does and will occur. Please do not isolate yourself, even if you are on the swaying side. It is hard to bear; again, there are so many digital gateways to affairs that it's easy to fall prey to them. Sometimes it happens innocently, but almost all with intention. We hope this blog helps you understand the types of affairs and infidelities and define how they can do a number on you. Not fun, and we know that so many of you suffer from indescrepencies.
Be strong, have faith, and keep your heads up. Xo, Erin
Journaling Thoughts:
Have you cheated on your partner?
How do you feel about it?
Have you been cheated on?
How are you recovering from this?
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